deep-sea Glass Squid  



1.The Deep Sea Glass Squid is also known as a Teuthowenia Pellucida.


2.The Deep Sea Glass Squid lives in the deep seas of Southern Hemisphere.


3.The Deep Sea Glass Squid has light organs on its eyes.


4.The Deep Sea Glass Squid can roll itself into a ball like a hedgehog.

                         Hydrothermal Vent Eelpout Fish 




1.The Hydrothermal Vent Eelpout Fish lives in hydrothermal

vent communities.They live in the Equatorial Pacific in the deep.


2.The Hydrothermal Vent Eelpout Fish eats vent crustaceans,such as amphipods and crabs.

                                      Umbrella Fish 




1. The Umbrella Fish lives in the deepest depth of the ocean.


2.The Umbrella Fish Eats fungus,and other dead fish.

                                                                                          Goblin Shark




1.The Goblin Shark can stretch its jaws out to about 4 feet to capture its prey.


2.the Goblin Shark eats sea creatures that are smaller that itself and up to 80 pounds more that the shark weighs.


                                  Phantom Anglerfish 

                                           Sail Fish 

                                           Ice Fish 


                                        Piglet Shrimp 

                                          Paddle Fish 

                                     Psychedilic Fish 

                                      Hairy Lobster

                                                                                            Giant Squid

                                        Giant Catfish 

                                         Giant Shark